No I *don't* want fries!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Square wraps - the *real* reason fast food should be your last resort.

We know the usual reasons to avoid fast food on this WOE. Being in McDonalds being bathed in the aroma of fresh french fries is the best way to end up eating them, even if there are some lower-carb options available. You *could*, in most fast food restaurants, order a burger without the bun, or a salad, but those options are pretty unsatisfying, really. Fast food places and cafes tend to have hidden carbs in dressings and condiments too, ramping the carb count on foods that are nominally okay.
There's an even better reason to avoid fast food, though.
The employees don't care about your order, and their employers don't care giving you good service.

When ordering at fast food places, staff will screw up your order three times out of four. ('Normal' orders attract an error rate too, but more like 25% of the time). They're likely to screw up your order because you need to make changes to the menu, to make additions and subsitutions to get a low-carb meal served to you. You're then putting your next meal, and your gastrointestinal happiness of the next few hours, in the hands of someone who is barely listening to you.

"Yes, yes" said the girl at the counter of Subway one afternoon when I'd come off shift and was ordering dinner. "Yes, we have wraps."
"Low carb wraps?" I repeated.
"Yes, yes". More impatient now.
Well, the wrap looked to be the right color at least. On a previous visit to another Subway another disinterested girl had gotten it wrong, fortunately this Sandwich Artist had not been allowed as many options and the only wraps available were the right kind.
I ordered a cheese steak wrap. On examination of the finished product, there was something wrong with it.
It was square.

As well as being square, and not folded in a way to maintain structural integrity when I ate it later, The cheese had been carefully laid below a bed of salad to ensure it would never, never be contaminated by the steak. Well, in the end I could at least eat it.

I've had enough apple sauce dumped over pork to know that they aren't typically paying attention in cafes either. What the hell is so difficult about 'no apple sauce'?
My usual mainstay, the caesar salad, arrives wearing croutons about half the time, despite (you guessed it) my request that it not include them. I didn't even like them when I wasn't on this WOE, salad is better without soggy bread.
It even happened today. Frustratingly, at a cafe that is pretty good otherwise. Disinterested girl #3 takes the order, notes that there are to be no croutons, and I pay for the order.
I'm back at my desk when I realise the inevitable has happened. If those weren't croutons in my salad, what were they? Bread droppings?

There's some groupthink that low carb diets cause irritability. But if we're irritable, its because we're paying these people for the privilege of not respecting us.