No I *don't* want fries!

Friday, April 14, 2006

A rant on yogurt

If you go to your local supermarket fridge shelf, you'll notice that yogurt comes in two varieties, no or low fat, and 'full fat, plus a couple of buckets of sugar'.
Your only off-the shelf flavored lowish-carb yogurt is the Yoplait 'no-fat' yogurt, the strawberry variety checks in at 10 grams of carbs. It's tasty, but you won't be eating that on Atkins induction. (It's also a canonical example of why you should check 'serving size' vs 'carton size', apparently the good people at Yoplait assume you'll be saving half of your portion for tomorrow, the 5g of carbs listed on the label is for 100g of product, not a 200g tub)
Even the 'natural' yogurts are mostly 'fat reduced', it's impossible to find a low sugar yogurt that isn't fat free. Fat is important on this WOE for satiety, kicking off ketosis, and I suspect it's partly why your skin gets better when you start eating this way. A low-fat yogurt is tasty but doesn't satisfy.
Is it so hard to leave the fat *in* the yogurt? The fat-reduced 'natural' or 'greek-style' yogurts are *always* higher in carbs than the non fat-reduced variety.
It's annoying, but I think I've found a solution, greek style yogurt (full-fat) and Cottees Diet Strawberry conserve (0.6g carbs per tablespoon, according to my new friend Calorie King). Can't get that in a *tub* though.
I'll post a road-test in a few days.


  • try getting low fat, low carb yoghurt not made of gelatine! It's difficult! :D

    The evia yoghurt isn't too bad, a little high in carbs though!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:07 PM  

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